Wednesday 6 November 2013

MAPLE is both an interactive computer algebra system and a programming language. 
Maple is a very powerful interactive computer algebra system. It is used by students, educators, mathematicians, statisticians, scientists, and engineers for doing numerical and symbolic computation. maple has many strengths: 
(1)it can do exact integer computation 
(2) it can do numerical computation to any
(well, almost) number of specified digits 
(3) it can do symbolic computation
(4) it comes with many built-in functions and packages for doing a wide variety
of mathematical tasks
(5) it has facilities for doing two- and three-dimensional
plotting and animation, 
(6) it has a worksheet-based interface 
(7) it has facilities
for making technical documents, and 
(8) maple is a simple programming
language, which means that users can easily write their own functions and packages.

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